

Believe it or not, there was a time in my life when I’d say “no thank you”, if it came my way.  The texture and the flavour?  Um…no way.  That is, until that moment when I reluctantly but politely tasted someone’s homemade hummus and unbelievably…I heard myself asking for the recipe!

I was hooked.  A certified convert.  And for the next few years I tweaked, altered and perfected that recipe (while raising a family, pastoring a church with my husband, and teaching high school music). 

So in 2015, when I wanted to help raise some extra money for our church/school expansion project, and wondered what I could do - there was one obvious answer: “I make good hummus”. 

And that’s how it started. Selling tubs of my one famous flavour of hummus at a couple of farmers’ markets. And right away, it was clear: the hummus was living up to its name, with even confirmed hummus haters dancing involuntarily.  So…if that flavour was good, maybe I could create another…? And another…? Word on the ground spread quickly, and by 2018 we’d received  the “Best New Product of the Year”, awarded by the Manitoba Food and Beverage Association.  Wow!

Since then “I” has become “we”, and my daughter Lydia stepped in to become our Business and Social Media Manager. We are now the happy makers of 6 unique, distinct and fresh flavours of delicious hummus. Teaching music has come to an end, and Happy Dance Hummus is in full swing. Our mission is to make GREAT tasting hummus, to help you get healthy and happy, and to get your feet dancing!

You’ll find us in lots of local stores, and you’ll still find me at local markets - make sure you come and say Hi!  I love people as much as I love hummus!


SILVER MEDAL WINNER in the Great Manitoba Food Fight® 2018

Voted BEST NEW PRODUCT of 2018 - Recognizing innovative and interesting products released to the market in the past twelve months


Winnipeg Free Press - International Hummus Day

global news - love local mb

The main ingredient with kevin burgin